12-WEEK PROGRAM TO TRANSFORM YOUR relationship with 


Join The 12-Week Program

Embark on a transformative journey with our Relationship Mastery coaching program, designed specifically for those seeking marriage, newlyweds, or couples with a few years into their marriage. Whether you're just beginning this journey together or looking to strengthen your bond, our program serves as your guide to igniting passion, nurturing intimacy, and thriving in love. Navigate societal and familial pressures with resilience, conquer the complexities of merging identities, and alleviate the weight of relationship challenges. Choose the Relationship Mastery program that aligns with your needs and take the first step toward a happier, healthier marriage today.

Join us now to break free from destructive cycles, rediscover passion, and shape your love story with purpose. Don't wait any longer to make a positive change in your relationship.

only a few spots left

Relationship Mastery

Master the Art of Love and Connection

  • Struggling with effective communication, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Facing financial stressors, such as disagreements over budgeting and spending habits.
  • Dealing with intimacy issues, including a lack of physical or emotional closeness.
  • Managing conflicts related to parenting styles, discipline, and childcare responsibilities.
  • Rebuilding trust after past betrayals, infidelity, or dishonesty.
  • Negotiating differences in long-term goals, such as career ambitions and family planning.
  • Navigating conflicts stemming from diverse cultural backgrounds or religious beliefs.
  • Coping with unresolved emotional baggage from past relationships or family dynamics.
  • Struggling to find quality time together amidst busy schedules and distractions.
  • Battling routine and monotony, with days feeling repetitive and lacking excitement.
  • Addressing feelings of resentment or bitterness over past hurts or unmet expectations.
  • Managing strain from traditional gender roles or expectations within the relationship.
  • Coping with health issues, whether physical or mental, impacting the marriage.
  • Dealing with social pressures and external influences on the relationship from family, friends, or society.


does these sound familiar...

Are you and your partner facing challenges in communication, resolving conflicts, or reconnecting romantically? 

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle

Honor yourself with self-love and healthy boundaries to thrive in life.

Nourish your relationships by communicating with love, not fear, anger, or frustration.

Having a deep connection boost with your partner.

Having a richer intimacy that goes beyond the physical, exploring emotional, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions.

Resolving conflicts effectively and turning challenges into opportunities for growth and understanding.

Having confidence in your relationship's resilience, fostering a stronger bond that will thrive in the face of adversity and navigate life's challenges together.

Envision building a supportive network of friends and family that strengthens your bond.

Gain insights and skills to nurture family dynamics for a harmonious environment.

Imagine If You Could..

Cultivate Resilience in Love with practical strategies to navigate life's ups and downs as a united front. Celebrate victories, overcome obstacles, and build a foundation that withstands the test of time. Your love will continue to flourish, no matter what life throws your way.

Learn to communicate authentically, sharing your deepest fears, desires, and dreams with your partner. Together, discover the beauty of vulnerability, strengthening your bond and deepening your connection like never before.

Say goodbye to routine interactions and hello to moments filled with purpose and passion. Through expert guidance and personalized exercises, you'll infuse every aspect of your relationship with intentionality, reigniting the spark that first brought you together.

Discover the Power of Intentional Connection

Embrace Vulnerability as Strength

Cultivate Resilience in Love

create love that thrives.

Intention, Vulnerability, and Resilience 

I believe my purpose is to inspire and empower you to live an abundant, radiant and vibrant life. 

Alright, let's talk real here. Life wasn't always sunny for me. Just like many first-gen graduates, I waded through some serious struggles. Generational and cultural beliefs? Yeah, those had their hooks in me. Expectations from every direction? Trust me, I get it. I wasted time on things that didn't light my fire. Switched my majors like I was changing my playlist, all in search of my soul's jam. And those soul-sucking 9-to-5 gigs in toxic environments? I've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. I hustled paycheck to paycheck, all to cover my education bills. And relationships? Well, let's just say I stuck around way longer than any self-respecting queen should.

But guess what? I've leveled up. I broke through those chains, and now I'm here, fired up and ready to help you do the same. It's time to kick those limiting beliefs to the curb and grab what you well deserve.

You've got the sass and the spark to rewrite your story. So, rise up, own your worth, and let's flip the script on your life. You've got this, and I've got your back, fierce queen! 

As a mentor with a decade of cutting-edge training, I offer actionable steps to amplify your energy, mindfulness, and fulfillment.

Let's light your path to empowerment.

read about Yuri

yuri bedoy, ms,chhp


Empowerment Catalyst and Generational Change Maker

Those in committed relationships, newly engaged, or newlyweds navigating the journey of merging identities and building a strong foundation for a future together.

Seeking to navigate relational challenges to build healthier dynamics.

Ready to create a thriving partnership.

Desire to deepen their intimacy and fostering greater satisfaction and connection.

Struggling with differing levels of sexual desire in their marriage and longing for intimacy harmony.

Wanting more confidence in their own desirability, hoping to embrace their sexuality with confidence.


It's time to               with your spouse and keep the romance alive.  

This is Perfect for couples who are:

Limited spots available!


Whether you're newly engaged, recently married, or seeking to reignite the spark in your relationship, our Love Alchemy program is designed with you in mind. Dive into practical strategies crafted for modern couples, addressing the unique challenges of merging lives, aligning dreams, and deepening your connection. Our unwavering support ensures you ignite passion, strengthen your bond, and thrive together on this exhilarating journey.

For those feeling distant, stressed, or stuck in their marriage, our Love Alchemy Healing program offers a pathway to renewal and growth. With empathetic guidance and proven techniques, we'll help you heal past hurts, rebuild trust, and reignite excitement. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, overcoming obstacles, fostering understanding, and building a love that stands the test of time..

Upon enrolling in Love Alchemy, you'll gain access to our comprehensive platform and resources tailored to your transformation program. Access customized tools and resources curated to support your transformational journey.

Your experience begins with an initial assessment, where we delve into your unique needs, goals, and challenges, setting the stage for personalized support. Enjoy a 60-minute Clarity session to define your desires and establish clear action steps.

Over the course of 12 weeks, engage in weekly 60-minute Virtual Coaching Sessions via Google Meet, where our expert guidance will empower your progress. Stay motivated with empowering "action assignments" designed to inspire and propel your personal growth.

Additionally, benefit from monthly Live Q&A sessions, where you can seek guidance, ask questions, and receive personalized support.

As part of the Love Alchemy community, enjoy discounted access to future programs, ensuring your continued growth and development as a couple.

Relationship Mastery


How It Works:


Week 1-2: Foundations of a Strong Marriage Building Emotional Intelligence
  • Assessing the current state of the marriage. 
  • Master empathy and active listening techniques for deeper understanding.
Week 3-4: Communication Mastery
  • Learn and practice healthy conflict resolution strategies while managing stress and emotions.
  • Learn effective communication skills to express your wants and desires.
Week 5-6: Navigating Life Transitions
  • Understand how to cope with major life changes, set your individual values and goals. 
  • Align values and goals with your partner and supporting each other's personal and professional goals. 
  • Reflecting on the journey of forgiveness in marriage and celebrating successes and milestones.
Week 7-8: Understanding Intimacy and Romance
  • Learn various aspects of intimacy beyond physical closeness.
  • Learn practical ways to keep romance alive. 
Week 9-10: Financial Planning and Management
  • Explore attitudes towards money and financial goals.
  • Develop a strategy for financial transparency and accountability.
Week 11-12: Building a Supportive Network
  • Discuss the importance of maintaining individual and joint social circles.
  • Develop strategies for continuous growth and connection.




Yuri provides a safe space, judgement-free, and understanding. She worked with me at my pace to bring awareness and balance into my life despite my demanding schedule. My fixed mindset affected me not only in my personal life but also in my career. Through her program, I gained confidence to prioritize myself and increase my self-worth.
 I feel empowered to claim abundance.



Working with Yuri helped me feel motivated and shift from “I am not enough” into being a confident Queen to manifest the life that I desire. I learned techniques that helped me release anxiety and doubt. I am so happy with my outcomes from this program and definitely recommend it. 


"I feel AMAZING"

Before taking this 90 days session I felt confused, stressed, and unfocused. I can truly say that Yuri has over delivered value that has helped me gain more clarity in my goals and improve my relationship with others. She made me realize the importance of true self-care! I feel amazing! 

-Daniela T.

Ready To Enroll?

Seize the opportunity! Lock in our intern promotional pricing now before it's gone. Prices are set to rise soon, so act fast and secure your spot at this exclusive rate.
Don't miss out on this chance to invest in your relationship for less.
Join us today and embark on the journey to a stronger, happier marriage!


Your Journey Starts Here, 

What are you waiting for? 


to find deeper connection in your relationship?

Schedule a free  complimentary call! 
